Teaching Methodology
Our Teaching Approach and Methodology
TSPS imparts innovative and sound academic programmes. Our endeavour is to develop a fuller person — in body, mind and intellect through an authentic and fair blend of Scholastic, Co-scholastic and extra- scholastic activities. We provide a holistic educational environment that includes full-fledged curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities with a strong determination to help student to excel in various academic and non-academic fields and down the line to excel in all walks of life. With a smaller and manageable Student-Teacher ratio, students get more attention and provide more personalized teaching platform and thus TSPS acts as a grooming ground through special mentoring and guidance by experts.
The Child’s first place of learning is the Home and then the wider family and community. TSPS work with Parents to build on the Child’s previous experiences and the skills the Child had already acquired. TSPS visit the Student’s home before each student starts School or at least within a fortnight of commencement of the School. The Student meet the Teacher in familiar surroundings and the Teacher understand better the context of the Student’s life outside the school. TSPS also visit the most recent School that the Student has attended. The records of the Student’s progress is analysed and from which the Teacher will plan the first few weeks in the class.
TSPS assess each Child’s knowledge and skills at the beginning of the Pre-school every year during the first 4-5 weeks through observations at work and play, record the process of learning, Child’s self assessment and Peer assessment. TSPS identifies the Multiple Intelligences, Learning Styles, Learning Disabilities and Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) through various tasks and accordingly, Teachers prepare the Lesson Plans, Rubrics for Assessments and Evaluate.
TSPS imparts Thematic, Experiential, Collaborative, Co-operative and Active learning. It adopts Evidence based, Inquiry based, Project based and Problem based curriculum. It adheres to Constructivist and Emergent curriculum and follows age and developmentally appropriate practice. We expose our Students to collaborative learning by exchanging our faculty, curriculum and various cross-cultural programmes with other leading schools and gears up the Students for interaction with peers of other schools.
TSPS maintains Progressfolio of each Child and follows Smart Assessment System (SAS)