The academic programmes and syllabi offered at TSPS aims at igniting minds and creating in students – a love for learning and continuous development, by making the learning process an enjoyable experience.
It is a co-educational school with the intension of bringing cutting edge standards in the schooling. TSPS is recognized and approved by Government of Karnataka and is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, the national body of the Government of India in Secondary Education.
The curricula offered at TSPS will help each student to reach his/her full potential by using our unique learner-centered education methodology by offering combination of innovative and sound academic programmes. We impart immeasurable moral values and contribute to the development of personality of the students by emphasizing personalized attention. The curriculum followed at all levels is flexible and enables the new trends in education to permeate in to the existing system ensuring modern and value based education. We foster in students’ academic knowledge, life skills, leadership qualities, and entrepreneurship to take on challenges presented by a competitive world and helps in keeping pace with the rapidly and ever changing educational scenario. Rote learning which prevents grasps of a concept and does not allow gaining any real skills of comprehension or logic. Therefore, TSPS blend the practical and theory in such a manner that the pupil will get the wholesome exposure to the experiential learning. We understand the importance of English Language and communication in these days. In order to polish our students English language skills, we have divided English curriculum into the four key areas of – LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).
Academic Curriculum/Courses
- True Shepherd Public School, Heggadadevanakote, has programmed a diverse and specialized curriculum which emphasizes on creative thinking, critical analysis, problem-solving, collaborative learning and application of knowledge.
- TSPS understands that every child is unique and thus adopts unique teaching techniques with structured and comprehensive age-appropriate curriculum which encourages every child to get the most out of it.
- TSPS environment enables children to work with freedom with specific and well designed equipment, materials, toys, games and book clubs for each specific concept thus collectively enabling the child to explore, discover, dream, imagine and create. Individual and social development is fostered in each child by a unique method of mixed age groups in the same environment.
- TSPS mission is to facilitate the process that makes every child cheerful, independent and successful in the future.
- Children work towards their inner construction by purposeful activities under the able guidance of trained teachers. Children settle down in the environment, perfect their co-ordination, gradually lengthen their concentration and then the creativity exhibited by them is incredible.
- Curriculum development has no finishing line and therefore it is a permanent feature of TSPS. Innovations are encouraged for an effective synergetic relationship between teaching and learning to help imbibe the different perspectives within each subject area.
- The students become active participants in learning and encouraged to express each individuals view and the same will be recognized, considered, analyzed and appreciated.
- Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, Debates, Quiz, talks, Focused Group Discussions (FSGs), Publications, Dramatics, Public Speaking and other activities that enable students to acquire learning skills required for an overall intellectual, psychological and social growth.
- TSPS exposes the Students to thematic learning experience of real life scenarios through field visits to places of historical or cultural interest, industries, botanical gardens, zoo and so on.
- TSPS maintains a balance between academics and co-curricular activities, between theoretical and practical learning, between traditional and modern teaching methods.
- TSPS designed the learning to be stimulating and challenging. Healthy Student –Teacher ratio helps to focus on the needs of every Student. Teachers take into account the pace of learning, interests and abilities of each Student and accordingly support the Student’s needs.
- English curriculum has been divided into the four key areas of – LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). The tools used to foster development in the above mentioned key areas are guided reading program, show and tell, role plays, drama, songs, poetry, story-telling, essays and short story writing. These pave way for self-expression. TSPS made to participate the Students in the classroom discussions as it is a very important tool for language development.
- TSPS faculty adopts 4 “P” concepts (Planning-Preparation-Practice-Perform) in teaching.
- TSPS adopts the technique of teaching from known to unknown, concrete to abstract, easy to difficult, simple to complex, particular to general, etc.,
- TSPS uses the Learning Cycle as the instructional model to teach its three educational principles (Learn-Practice-apply) plans which makes learning stress-free, enjoyable and meaningful. The Learning Cycle is based on 5 “E” steps (Engage-Explore-Explain-Elaborate-Evaluate).
- TSPS emphasizes the concept of “Experiential Learning” ―sort of learning undertaken by students who are given a chance to acquire and apply knowledge, skills and feelings.
- TSPS identifies the Visual-Auditory-Reading-Kinesthetic (VARK) ability of each student and teaches accordingly.
- Students belonging to the age group of 6 to 14 years are given professional sports training. The sports team will give value added service in the area of sports physiology, sports physiotherapy, sports nutrition, sports psychology, strength and conditioning and fine-tune the training programmes, prevent injuries and improve performance of the children.
The Lower Primary, Higher Primary and High School
- The period of sixth year to twelfth year in a child’s life is the Concrete operational stage wherein the grasping power increases and intellectual power takes a concrete shape.
- In Lower Primary School, the students are exposed progressively to the world of integrated knowledge.
- Particular attention will be given to strengthen the student’s aptitude in the core studies of English, Mathematics, General Science and Social Science. This is a time of multi-dimensional learning.
- TSPS forward thinking approach towards learning reflect in its modern facilities that include State-of-the-art Computer lab, Science lab, Mathematics lab, Language lab, Digital board system, audio-visual facility in addition to a host of new generation teaching aids.
- Academic programmes have integrated classroom instructions with laboratory experiences to provide significant opportunity to learn.
- A wide range of classroom activities are used as stimuli for reading and writing. Students are allowed to use a wide range of electronic gadgets like computers and interactive boards to further strengthen their subjective knowledge from Grade I.
- TSPS encourage students in the Lower Primary School to do various projects in Environmental Science appreciating the History, Geography and cultural diversity of our Earth.
- Rote learning which prevents grasps of a concept and does not allow gaining any real skills of comprehension or logic. Therefore, TSPS blended the practical and theory in such a manner that the pupil will get the wholesome exposure to the experiential learning.
- Ample educational field trips, tours, talk shows are thus included as essentials in the curriculum. Through experiments, problem solving, model preparation, audio visual presentation, drama, role play, tutorial classes, group works, conferences, Students put the learnt concepts into practice and finally apply them or seek their application in real life situation.
- This helps in arousing Naturalistic intelligence and interpersonal intelligence.
TSPS exposes the Students to collaborative learning by exchanging faculty, curriculum and various cross-cultural programmes with other leading schools and gears up the Students for interaction with peers of other schools. - Students have Physical Training classes to develop their agility and fitness. Visual Arts and Performance Arts are part of the curriculum to create an awareness and appreciation to these creative forms to develop the visual, spatial, bodily kinesthetic and musical intelligence.
- Establishing worthwhile work habits, persistence, independence, time management and an appreciation of the value of learning oneself early in the schooling process.
- Throughout the pre primary school years, emphasis is laid on comprehension, making it an integral part of language development.
- Phonics is used to teach English in a structured manner.
- The prime objective of the Language lab is to learn the art of English Language reading and speaking.
- Digital Maths lab to verify and visualize mathematical concepts through educational aids. The Abacus and Vedic Maths programme enable the Students to achieve an extremely high standard of Arithmetic and sharpen their analytical skills.
- There are two sections in each Grade from Grade I to Grade V.
- Teacher-Student ratio of 1:20 is maintained.
Assessment and Evaluation
- TSPS believes that children’s should not be kept under undue pressure of performance and therefore in any given activity, children’s are never pitted against each other. A healthy, competitive environment is introduced with an aim to equip every child to face the competitive world outside.
- Continuous and comprehensive evaluation will form the basis for a holistic assessment of a learner inclusive of co-scholastic areas like Life Skills, Attitudes and Values, participation and Achievement in activities involving literary and creative skills, scientific skills, aesthetic skills and performing arts and clubs as well as Health and Physical Education. It covers the analysis of learning gaps, applying corrective measures, retesting and giving feedback to Parents and Students for their self-evaluation.
- Through the intra and outside classroom activities, students’ knowledge level, learning skills, extent of participation, research work, interest, psychomotor skills, team work, etc are observed and recorded. Such observation helps to monitor the overall growth of a child and nurtures to be future ready.
- Appropriate assessment of each task is done to monitor a child’s skill on manipulation of words, materials, ideas, concepts. Such assessments help to notice the acquisition of language, mathematical and social skills by the child.
- Age appropriate specific assignments are assigned in each chapter. Written assignments are used as records on the development of specific skills related to instructional objectives or the attitude expresses or demonstrated by a student towards learning.
- Assessment focuses on improving student performance and classroom instruction. It is contrasted with Term-end assessment that focuses on accountability and is often done to label, sort or classify students.
- At the end of each term, written examination will be conducted on each subject. This will help the student to know their factual memory and improves the writing skills and make familiar with our traditional exam system.
- The student and teacher share a common understanding of what constitutes quality work. That is, they have the same standards for achievement. Both student and teacher can compare the student’s performance to these standards. The student assesses as he/she is working on the task at hand, and upon completion. The teacher may assess the completed work or while the work is in progress.
- Following the assessment, teaching and learning activities are adjusted to close the gap between the student’s performance and the standard. The teacher not only assesses the student’s performance, but also provides feedback (guidance) to the student enabling him/her to improve his/her performance. The student will use what he/she has learned from the assessment to improve future performances. The teacher also assesses the instruction that preceded the performance. The teacher will adjust their instruction based on this assessment.
- TSPS assess the Children after each lesson for Literacy Skills, Numeracy skills, Values and Life Skills and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) acquired. It also assesses the understanding of the concepts and lesson objectives as per the Bloom’s Taxonomies of learning.
- TSPS follows established and standard rubrics for assessment and evaluation.
Holistic Teaching
TSPS uses the Learning Cycle as the instructional model to teach its three educational principles (Learn-Practice-apply) plans which makes learning stress-free, enjoyable and meaningful. The Learning Cycle is based on 5 “E” steps (Engage-Explore-Explain-Elaborate-Evaluate). We focus more on encouraging the Students to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). We identify the ‘differential learning’ where in we recognizes the Visual-Auditory-Reading-Kinesthetic (VARK) ability of each student and customizes teaching to align to individual needs so as to develop the Kinesthetic-Cognitive-Emotional-Spiritual (KCES) capabilities and competence.TSPS has a pedagogic learning strategies like Student Query Driven Learning (SQDL) and Guided Problem Solving and Group Programming (GPGP or 2GP). Students are taught how to thik not what to think. Questions are asked and solutions discussed. TSPS impart the domain knowledge and train the Students to avoid getting pigeonholed. Students are encouraged to think ‘outside the box’. TSPS develops the quintessential Ten Core Life Skills as laid down by World Health Organisation (WHO) (Coping with Emotions, Coping with Stress, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Effective Communication, Empathy, Interpersonal Relations, Problem Solving and Self-awareness) in the Children which insures continual academic growth and makes the Child a lifelong learner. TSPS strives to achieve Total Quality Management (TQM) in School education.
Teaching Methodology
TSPS imparts innovative and sound academic programmes. Our endeavour is to develop a fuller person — in body, mind and intellect through an authentic and fair blend of Scholastic, Co-scholastic and extra- scholastic activities. We provide a holistic educational environment that includes full-fledged curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities with a strong determination to help student to excel in various academic and non-academic fields and down the line to excel in all walks of life. With a smaller and manageable Student-Teacher ratio, students get more attention and provide more personalized teaching platform and thus TSPS acts as a grooming ground through special mentoring and guidance by experts.
The Child’s first place of learning is the Home and then the wider family and community. TSPS work with Parents to build on the Child’s previous experiences and the skills the Child had already acquired. TSPS visit the Student’s home before each student starts School or at least within a fortnight of commencement of the School. The Student meet the Teacher in familiar surroundings and the Teacher understand better the context of the Student’s life outside the school. TSPS also visit the most recent School that the Student has attended. The records of the Student’s progress is analysed and from which the Teacher will plan the first few weeks in the class.
TSPS assess each Child’s knowledge and skills at the beginning of the Pre-school every year during the first 4-5 weeks through observations at work and play, record the process of learning, Child’s self assessment and Peer assessment. TSPS identifies the Multiple Intelligences, Learning Styles, Learning Disabilities and Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) through various tasks and accordingly, Teachers prepare the Lesson Plans, Rubrics for Assessments and Evaluate.
TSPS imparts Thematic, Experiential, Collaborative, Co-operative and Active learning. It adopts Evidence based, Inquiry based, Project based and Problem based curriculum. It adheres to Constructivist and Emergent curriculum and follows age and developmentally appropriate practice. We expose our Students to collaborative learning by exchanging our faculty, curriculum and various cross-cultural programmes with other leading schools and gears up the Students for interaction with peers of other schools.
TSPS maintains Progressfolio of each Child and follows Smart Assessment System (SAS)