Pupil’s Appearance
- Make up of any kind is strictly forbidden.
- Any pupil who is found wearing any form of jewellery (Rings, Bracelets, Bangles) or ear rings (other than the optional one set of small plain stud ear rings in the lower ear lobe) will be asked to remove it and the same will be confiscated. Ear rings in the upper lobe is discouraged.
- Long nails and nail varnish is discouraged.
- Hair must be tidily cut, well groomed and not longer than is sensible in relation to the requirements of games and hygiene. Long hair must be plaited with black ribbons when wearing colour uniform and white ribbons when wearing white uniform. Girls with shorter hair must wear plain black hair bands.
- Boys must always have short hair cuts. The hair must be well groomed.
- Wearing fashionable jewellery is discouraged.
Uniforms and Shoes
- Dyeing/Colouring hair, fancy hair styles and the use of hair gel/serum/mousse is discouraged.
- Students who colour their hair will be asked to remain at home till their hair grows back to its natural/original colour.
- Uniform must always be clean and well ironed and should be intact till the Students reach home.
- Student’s uniform will be checked at the entrance and those who are found without proper uniform will be sent back.
- School ties Knotted at the neck and black shoes well-polished. Sports/PT shoes must wiped clean after use and clean.
- Teeth and Nails must be clean. Longer Nails are discouraged.
- Students caught eating or chewing gum in School premises will face disciplinary action
School Rules
- Students must be punctual to School every day. Late comers are not entertained as a part of disciplinary procedure. It is requested that parents who have made their own arrangement for dropping their wards should ensure that they reach the School at least 10 minutes before the School starts.
- Regular attendance is solicited. Any absent from the School shall be with the prior permission of the Head/Principal duly entering the Leave Note by Parent/Guardian in the Diary.
- Continuous absence without permission for a week is considered as withdrawal of the Student and the name of the Student will be struck-off from the rolls.
- Irregular attendance, disobedience to Teachers and negligence to attend to the School work are sufficient reasons for temporary/permanent dismissal of a Student.
- Students shall attend to School wearing clean and ironed uniforms. Student without the uniform is not allowed to attend the class.
- Students should keep their class rooms absolutely clean and tidy. Any damage done to the School property will be charged individually or collectively as the case may be.
- Students should maintain good conduct and abide by the rules of School at all times and those who violate it are liable for punishment and appropriate action.
- Recurrence of incidence of violation of rules will be viewed very seriously.
- Students should not attend to the School wearing valuable jewelleries or ornaments. The School is not responsible for the loss thereof if any.
- Students are not allowed to leave the School premises during the interval or during School hours without the permission of the Head/Principal
Students /parents are discouraged from being offering presents of any sorts to the School staff. - If parents are found interfering directly or indirectly with the administration of the School, the School reserves the right to remove the name of their ward from the rolls.
- Parents should check the progress report, etc., of their children and sign as a token of acknowledgement.
- In case of withdrawals, application for issue of Transfer certificate shall be submitted to the School office at least 7 working days in advance along with the payment of dues if any.
- The constructive suggestions and feed back is appreciated and will be adopted. Please E-mail to info@tspschool.in for any clarification or informations.
Attitude outside the school Premises
- Students shall behave in a pleasant manner while coming to School or going back to home or when waiting at the bus stops.
- Always show courtesy and be polite towards everyone and refrain from using foul and slang language.
Report any altercations with Students from other Schools/with public directly to the Principal.
Personal Property of Students
- All belongings are to be marked with the Student’s name in full.
- Bringing money to the School is discouraged. School Fees money and pocket money, if any must never be unattended.
- Barrowing of money, books, pens, and other items are discouraged.
Valuable items such as Video Games, Personal Music System, CD’s, DVD’s, Radio, Pen Drives, Tablets, Toys, - Magazines, Comics and other gift items are not allowed into the School.
- Whitener, Ink bottles and Sharp objects are not entertained into the School.
- Cell phones are completely banned in the School premises. Cell phones will be confiscated if Student’s are found with one in their possession. Parents may claim the confiscated cell phones and other items by giving a written undertaking that the Student will not repeat the act and that if they do it again, they will face disciplinary action which may lead to suspension or expulsion.
- The School accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of either personal property or money
School Property
- Students shall refrain from scratching or spoiling the desks/charts/boards, damaging furniture, writing or drawing anything on the walls or damaging the other School things or the things belonging to others. Damage done should be reported at once to the Class Teacher/Principal.
- Any willful damage to the School property is the liability to the Parents/Guardian and must be paid.
General Discipline
- Students must attend the first day of School and last day of the School i.e., the day of issue of Report Cards.
- The School begins with an assembly and Student’s are required to be in time to attend the assembly.
- Students who come late to School are liable to be sent home or debarred from attending class/Test/Examination.
- Students should leave the School premises after the School hours unless permitted to do so and strictly under the supervision of School staff member.
- The School reserves the right to suspend/expel any Student any Students whose conduct is harmful to other Student’s or to the School.
- Students are required to complete the Home work, assignments, practical or project work within the given time.
- Students should wear correct attire as instructed by the Class teacher to suit the occasions as the case may be.
- Students must maintain silence during lessons.
- Unruly behavior during lessons, rudeness and disrespectful to either Teacher or fellow pupil or general misbehavior, using abusive language, violence is not tolerable.
- Students shall maintain absolute integrity by not giving or attempting to obtain unfair assistance during any Test/Examination.
- Students should be responsible for their Text books and Note books and other belongings.
- Text books and Note books must be maintained in good condition with neat wrappers and clearly filled in labels.
- Text books and Note books must be brought to School as per the Time Table.
- Library books must be treated with care and returned within the scheduled date.
- Lost or mutilated books will have to be paid for.
- Reference books/CD’s/DVD’s must not be taken out of the Library
- Students shall enter into any laboratories with the supervision of School staff member.
- PT equipment must be used only under the supervision of Instructor.
- Students should avoid littering or spilling the water on the floor. Use the garbage bins for that purpose.
- Students should refrain from running or sliding along the corridors or on stairs.
- Please use stairs always. Students are permitted to use the lift when they are not well or injured.
Student Correspondence
- All the correspondences must be addressed to the Head of the School/Principal
Attendance and Leave
- Regular attendance is required from first day of the each term.
- Permission may be given for very special reasons. The Head of the School/Principal has the right to withhold such permissions.
- Students are permitted to be absent for the reasons of illness or quarantine after obtaining prior written permission from the Head of the School/Principal. A Pupil who is absent from School is required to bring the School diary with an appropriate entry stating the reason for the absence by Parents/Guardians. If the Student is absent through illness or quarantine, the Principal should be informed immediately and should produce Medical Certificate. A pupil returning after an infectious illness must produce a fitness and infection free certificate.
- Students once come to School shall remain in School up to School hours and are allowed to return home when seriously ill or in case of an emergency.
- Parents/Guardians can take away their wards in case of emergency and in such case a gate pass will be issued on production of a written note by Parents/Guardians and after approved by the appropriate School authority.
Leave of absence will not be given to enable a Student to attend the Social functions.