School Prayers
The Pledge
India is my country and all Indians are my siblings.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage
I shall always strive to be patriotic and worship my mother land
I shall respect my country’s sovereignty and treat its citizens with courtesy
I shall abide by our constitution and laws of the land
I shall respect my country’s secularism and its democratic principles
I pledge my devotion and integrity to my country and to my people
I shall do nothing unbecoming of a citizen of India and practice unity in diversity
I shall respect my parents, teachers, classmates, neighbors and all elders
My happiness lies in the well-being and prosperity of my fellow citizens
School Hymn
O God! Help us to reach the zenith of success
Teach us to be graceful to remember who lent their hand
Keep our feet ever firm on the ground upon victorious
Remind us the ground beneath when flying high
O God! Pulls us up when falling down
Show us a vision that’s filled with your wisdom
That the Quest for Excellence calls for integrity, devotion,
discipline, patience and perseverance
O God! Show us the right path to reach our goal
Shower us the courage to conquer
Set us free from the shackles of ignorance
Let the light in the midst of darkness shines
Shine! Let it shine!!
Bestow our School with honour and glory
Fill our Nation with peace and harmony
You are our Philosopher, Guide and Bosom Friend
School Anthem
The God is my True Shepherd
(Inspired by Psalm 23 of Bible and Father Omer Westendorf’s poem)
The God is my True Shepherd
Nothing shall I want as He does well;
Feeds me in green pastures
Alarm me by ringing the bell.
He leads me to cool waters
Where I refresh and depose;
Along righteous path He guides me
There restores my repose.
He protects me from rough weather
Allows me not to wither;
Provides me the shelter
And comfort me not to dither.
Though I should walk in darkness
No evil would I fear;
Always cares true to His name
Stays ever near and is my dear.
With facilities He anoints me
Showers bliss and make my life glows;
Peace and knowledge are His gifts
Now my cup overflows.
His goodness and kindness
Shall ever be in continuity;
Let the Wisdom prevails that
He is the eternity.
School Prayer
O God! The eternal truth and ocean of knowledge
Give us health and keep us in good stead
Make us strong, helpful and cheerful
Give our Parents and Teachers light and strength to learn and train
Grant us grace to choose the good and to reject the evil
Give us the wisdom to understand the mysteries of your creations
Give us strength to face the difficulties and to bear the sorrows
Give us courage to overcome the dangers and never to kneel before insolent might
Give us the love to never disown the poor and the needy
Bless our Country and bless our State
Bless our Parents and bless our Neighbors
Bless our Teachers and bless our School
Bless us and make us good children
- The school teaching programme developed by TSPS has classes which are interactive and spontaneity is actively encouraged. Thus hands-on activity is seamlessly woven with extensive and focused exercises for reinforcement. The objective is to approach knowledge from a holistic development style, which ensures that the student actively participates in the learning process. Sports with multi-faceted co-curricular activities are woven into the daily school schedule, to ensure that a healthy body nourishes an active mind.
- Every school day begins with the assembly. This helps in instilling a sense of discipline – of the body and the mind – right at the beginning of the day.
- Assembly for students is held every morning, which includes physical exercises and meditation.
- Students congregate on the school ground in an orderly manner. The school prayer sung by them brings about a state of meditation, rendering peace and tranquility to the atmosphere. This is an ideal way to enhance the concentration much required by students and teachers alike, throughout the day.
- An inspiring talk and some useful quotations provide food for thought to one and all. An updating of current affairs is followed by a quiz held for all the students.
- The school Prayer/Hymn/Anthem, a symbol of pride and honour for the school, is sung each morning. This reiterates the sense of unity and belonging among the students.
School and Office Timings
School Timings
Monday to Friday
9:15 AM to 3:45 PM
9:15 AM to 1:45 PM
Lunch Break: 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM
Health Break ( Water Bell) 10:50 AM to 10:55 AM
2:05 PM to 2:10 PM
Every Sunday Holiday
School Office Timings
Monday to Friday:
09:00 am to 04:30 pm
Saturday: 09:30 am to 01:00 pm
Sunday: Holiday
The Class Teacher, HM and Principal are available during Lunch Break for discussions/clarifications.