Holistic Teaching
Our Holistic Teaching Framework
TSPS uses the Learning Cycle as the instructional model to teach its three educational principles (Learn-Practice-apply) plans which makes learning stress-free, enjoyable and meaningful. The Learning Cycle is based on 5 “E” steps (Engage-Explore-Explain-Elaborate-Evaluate). We focus more on encouraging the Students to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). We identify the ‘differential learning’ where in we recognizes the Visual-Auditory-Reading-Kinesthetic (VARK) ability of each student and customizes teaching to align to individual needs so as to develop the Kinesthetic-Cognitive-Emotional-Spiritual (KCES) capabilities and competence.TSPS has a pedagogic learning strategies like Student Query Driven Learning (SQDL) and Guided Problem Solving and Group Programming (GPGP or 2GP). Students are taught how to thik not what to think. Questions are asked and solutions discussed. TSPS impart the domain knowledge and train the Students to avoid getting pigeonholed. Students are encouraged to think ‘outside the box’. TSPS develops the quintessential Ten Core Life Skills as laid down by World Health Organisation (WHO) (Coping with Emotions, Coping with Stress, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Effective Communication, Empathy, Interpersonal Relations, Problem Solving and Self-awareness) in the Children which insures continual academic growth and makes the Child a lifelong learner. TSPS strives to achieve Total Quality Management (TQM) in School education.