As per the policy and directive of CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), TSPS follows the below guidelines for admission:
- Admissions are strictly based on the merit and availability of seats.
- Priority will be given to the children of School teachers and other staff members.
- Preference will be given for the nationally mobile group including central services and other transferable services of India.
- Priority will be given for siblings.
- Reservations of 25% under RTE Act 2009 for ‘Children belonging to disadvantaged group’ and ‘Children belonging to weaker section’
- Selected Students Parents/Guardian shall pay Admission Fees, Annual Fees, Activity Fees and Tuition Fees at the time of admission.
- TSPS would like to inform every parent that limited seats are available for the Lower Primary classes. To have an effective teaching learning process, TSPS maintains limited class strength. Considering the limited number of seats available, it is expected that those who seek admission will realize and understand the constraints the institution faces. The disappointment of not getting admission should not become a matter of unhappiness among the parents.