NCC/NSS/Scouts and Guides
The main objectives of National Cadet Corps (NCC) are:
- To Develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure, and Ideals of Selfless Service amongst the Youth of the Country.
- To Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth, To Provide Leadership in all Walks of life and be Always Available for the Service of the Nation.
- To Provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces.
- To develop a sense of patriotic commitment to encourage cadets to contribute to national development.
- To respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, life style and habitat to instill a sense of National unity and social cohesion.
- To abide commitment to learn and adhere to the norms and values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
- To understand the value of a just and impartial exercise of authority.
- To develop ability to participate in community development and other social programme.
- To develop a healthy life style free of substance abuse and other unhealthy practices.
- To develop sensitivity to the needs of poor and socially disadvantaged fellow citizens.
- To inculcate habits of restraint and self-awareness.
To understand the values of honesty, truthfulness, self-sacrifice, perseverance and hard work. - To respect for knowledge, wisdom and the power of ideas.
- “Unity and Discipline” is the motto of the NCC.
The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are:
- To understand the community in which they work.
To understand themselves in relation to their community. - To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving.
- To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
- To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
- To develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities.
- To gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
- To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
- To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
- To practice national integration and social harmony.
The main objectives of Scouts & Guidesare:
- The Scout Movement is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, so that they may play constructive roles in society.
- The movement employs the Scout method, a program of informal education with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking and sports.
Astronomy Club
- To develop scientific temper among students.
- To ensure and encourage to become Amateur Astronomers.
- Study the vastness of the universe
Understand the features of different numbers of the solar system. - Understand the basic concepts of science used in astronomy.
- Arouse the interest in observing astronomical events and phenomenon around us.
- Understand the phenomenon of eclipses.
- Develop the skills to use telescope.
- Identify various celestial bodies like stars, constellations and planets in the real night sky.
Visual Arts Club
- Facilitates the Students to undertake various visual arts activities and a place to explore their spatial and bodily kinesthetic intelligence.
- To develop the visual and spatial intelligence viz., Drawing, painting, mapping, writing, etc.,
- To develop the bodily kinesthetic intelligence viz., Mural work, pottery, bamboo basket weaving, Models making, Origami, Quiling, etc.,
- To learn various designs like fashion, ornamental, interior, accessories, etc., and cartooning, animations, etc.,
Performing Arts Club
- Enables the Students to find a new meaning of expression in an environment that challenges them to develop their artistic senses.
- To learn the fine art of music, dance, theatre, comedy, magic, public speaking, etc.,
- To develop the Musical intelligence viz., good rhythmical sense, composing songs, mimicries, etc.,
Eco- Science Club
- The science club enables to develop a scientific attitude. It aims to improve, advance and develop scientific, thinking, research and attitude, cultivating the spirit of enquiry and generating a love of science for its own sake.
- It also aims to bridge the gap between formal education and a more comprehensive knowledge of science, endeavoring to make the study of science more interesting. It offers science projects, exhibitions, competitions, talent search schemes, multimedia shows, debate, experimentation etc.
- Motivates the students to keep their surrounding green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
- Promote ethos of conservation of water.
- Motivate students to imbibe habits of life style for minimum waste generation.
- Sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic bags.
- Educate children about the reuse of waste materials and preparation of products out of waste.
- To study the state of Nation and State environment.
- To study the ecological rights and Natural resources management.
- To study Climate change and Global environmental governance
Agricultural Club
- To visit the agricultural field.
To identifying various crops and its seeds. - To study the types of soil and to study the factors that affect production.
- To study the effects of cultivation techniques, insects menace, diseases of plants and animals.
- To study the cropping pattern and crop rotation.
- To study the requirements of climate and water for various crops.
- To study the organic and inorganic manure and its effects.
- To study the Green house culture.
To study the land and its use. - To study about Food Security
Horticultural Club
- To identifying species of Flowers, fruits and ornamental plants.
- To study the requirements of climate and water for various species, etc.,
Sports, Fitness and Yoga Club
- To promote the participation of Students in healthy recreation by playing indoor and outdoor sports.
- To develop Students agility and fitness.
- To provide competitive physical activity and to maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to Students.
- To assure that all exercises are done in the right manner.
To keep the body and mind in good health and thus to be active and fit. - To develop the responsible attitude towards health and diet.
- To develop the sportive spirit and skills
Nativity Club
- To develop the Natural intelligence viz., identifying species of Plants, Birds, Animals, etc., its habitat, food chain, local names, etc.
- To develop Interpersonal intelligence viz., caring, sharing, sense of belonging, collaborative learning, etc.,
- To develop interest to manage forest, wild life and other forest resources.
- To develop culture to live cordially and harmonically with the Tribals of the forest.
- To study Conservation of forest and resulting conflicts.
- To study Wildlife management.
- To develop interest in various styles of food.
- To develop interest on new recipes and innovative cooking ideas.
Math-Tech Club
- To develop the models to simplify the understanding of maths.
- To develop the ability of reasoning and logical skills.
- To learn the application of mathematics in real life and maximizing the potential of technology to improve our lives.
- To apply the principles of Science, Mathematics and technology to develop economical solutions to technical problems.
Centre for Community Service (CCS)
- Community service is service or activity that is performed for the benefit of the public. Without community service, our society would not know the meaning, usefulness, or importance of charity.
- Serving in a community takes away the problems that exist in society. Choosing to help a community through community service is very important.
- It enables and inspires each student to develop a spirit of discovery and initiative that has real benefits and consequences.
- It encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility and personal commitment to do what they can to improve the world around them and increase the well being of others.
- It prepares students to participate in and contribute to the local as well as global community by fostering the development of values and attitudes that transcend issues of politics, religion, class, race, ethnicity and gender.
- It aims to abet students in becoming better persons, being more humane and committed citizens, and be future leaders working to create a harmonious and peaceful world.
- To study the poverty, economy, un-hygienic, etc and educate the masses in this regard.
- To study the urban growth challenges, Water and Waste management, Air and Noise pollution, Mobility, etc and work towards to mitigate these problems in an indigenous and innovative way.
- To work towards sustainable industrialization and to address the public health concerns
Parents-Teachers Association (PTA):
- It develops a good relationship between Parents and Teachers.
- Helps to detect the weak areas of the Students and to find out a solution.
- To make the School –home away from home.
- Helps to get the full information about the Student and useful to pay individual attention.
- Helps in getting the full co-operation from the Parents.
- Helps the parents to know about the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the School.
Anti-Bullying Committee (ABC)
- To curb incidents of bullying and ragging.
- To prevent any undesirable aspects of bullying by all stakeholders i.e., Head of the institution, Teachers, Non-teaching staff, students, Parents and Local community.
- To develop a comprehensive guidelines which includes various actions and penalties depending upon the gravity 0f the misconduct i.e., verbal or written warning, suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period, imposition of fine or expulsion/justification from school in rarest of rare cases.
Children Safety Cell (CSC)
- To identify the potential hazards to the safety of the children during travelling to and from the School and within the premises of the School.
- To ensure adequate safety to the children by taking pre-empting and remedial measures.
To take enough pre-cautionary measures to prevent any sort of child abuse especially the girl child.